.. dilium documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Dec 10 20:14:04 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================================= Welcome to Dilium - Distributed Selenium project! ================================================= ---------- What is it ---------- It is **python** alternative of ``selenium grid``, which uses **selenium** and **ansible** under hood. --------- Why is it --------- Selenium grid has some disadvantages: - Selenium grid doesn't manage node. It just provides webdriver API. Some additional functionalities, like video capture and xvfb mode, are implemented via hacks on client side (proxies, servlets, etc). - Selenium grid requires additional client (minion) on node. - Selenium grid is developed with Java. If it's necessary to expand its functionality we need to learn Java, even if project(s) is developed with other language. Gridless advantages: - Ansible provides flexible and extensible way to manipulate with nodes. - Ansible doesn't require client-side software, just ssh-access. - Webdriver can be launched directly on node and listen remote connections as it happens in localhost. ------------- How to launch ------------- *Functionality in development* - Clone project:: git clone https://github.com/sergeychipiga/dilium - Launch ubuntu virtual machine (for ex. via *vagrant*) with available IP. - Add your ``.ssh/id_rsa.pub`` to vm ``.ssh/authorized_keys`` in order to enable ssh access with key. - Install ``google-chrome``, ``chromedriver``, ``xvfb``, ``libav-tools`` to vm. - Add chromedriver path to ``$PATH`` in ``/etc/environment``. - Install dilium server:: pip install -r dilium_server/requirements.txt pip install -e dilium_server - Install dilium client:: pip install -r dilium_client/requirements.txt pip install -e dilium_client - Launch dilium server:: DEBUG=1 python dilium_server/dilium_server/bin/app.py - Execute code to upload test config: .. code:: python import requests remote_ip = 'ip.of.your.vm' # for ex. config = { remote_ip: { 'capabilities': [ {'browserName': 'chrome'} ] } } requests.post('', json=config) - Execute code on remote node to launch browser in xvfb with video capturing: .. code:: python from dilium_client import Client client = Client('') node = client.get_node({'browserName': 'chrome'}) screen_size = (1366, 768) with node.inside_xvfb(*screen_size): with node.capture_video(*screen_size): browser = node.get_browser() browser.launch() # in xvfb direct ``maximize_window``-call doesn't work properly :( browser.set_window_size(*screen_size) browser.maximize_window() browser.get('http://yandex.ru') browser.save_screenshot('/path/to/screenshot.png') browser.quit() node.download_video('/path/to/video.mp4') client.release_host() ----------------- Current abilities ----------------- - Hosts distribution - Nodes provisioning (*verified with ubuntu 14.04*) - Browser manipulation (*verfied with google chrome*) - Xvfb launching - Video capturing --------- TODO list --------- - Check that async call really starts process. (*It isn't verified by default due to shell specific.*) - Support firefox on linux. - Support windows and macos. - Expand capabilities to manage nodes from client and server. ----------------- Deep to structure ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 server client